Til hovedinnhold

Kurs om psykisk helse blant migranter

Fagforbundet og IOM tilbyr medlemmer et todagers kurs 6.-7. mars i Oslo, med tittelen "Working with Vulnerable Migrants".

24.02.2017 av Seksjon helse og sosial
Sist oppdatert: 24.02.2017

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The IOM and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health are pleased to invite you and members of your organisation to a TWO day training – Working with Vulnerable Migrants and suitable responses. Guglielmo Schinina, the Head of Mental Health, Psychosocial Response and Intercultural Communication, IOM will be leading the training. A full programme and reading list will be sent next week.

The training will consist of taught lectures and group work. There are a limited number of places due to the structure of the training.

Date: March 6th and 7th  2017

Time : 09:00- 16:00

Venue: Folkehelseinstituttet, Lovisenberggata 8 - https://goo.gl/maps/1aczTVup8pL2


The content for the training is:

  • Psychosocial approaches migration and displacement: concepts and definitions

(Mental health, Psychosocial, Migration, Identity, Trauma, Agency, Resilience)

  • Psychosocial needs of migrants and refugees

Wider needs, Psychopathology of migration, Myths : healthy migrant-unhealthy migrant-traumatized migrant, Psychosocial sequalae.

  • Responses

Pyramid of intervention (emergency), Pyramid of intervention (transit), Pyramid of intervention (integration)

  • Tools

Guidelines on MHPSS to migrants on the move in Europe, Preparing for return, Counselling migrants, Trauma grid

  • Best practices in Europe
  • Migration and Public Health


For further questions please contact Homa Hasan hshasan@iom.int (95051008)



Please do not hesitate to forward this invitation to relevant colleagues, however, please note we have limited places available. Therefore, please register for this free training following this link:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1vmnxKbpb7f13GeZPjT1yalgbUFeMPmvCXBFl91uV2kk/
