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Dangerous Liaisons: Norwegian ties to the Israeli Occupation

“Dangerous Liaisons: Norwegian ties to the Israeli Occupation” is now available in English.

18.06.2013 av Ingunn Eriksen
Sist oppdatert: 18.06.2013

In May 2012 the Norwegian Union of Municipal and General Employees (NUMGE) and Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) published a report demonstrating that Norwegian authorities and companies, through financial investments and trade, are involved in activities that contribute to Israel’s breaches of international law and human rights. The report further revealed how groups in Norway give direct support to the occupation by means of monetary transfers to individual settlements.

- The occupation undermines Palestinians’ rights and livelihood. The settlements have spread and are dispelling a large number of Palestinians. The fact that Norwegian investments and trade contribute economically to sustaining illegal Israeli settlements is completely unacceptable, says General Secretary of Norwegian People’s Aid, Liv Tørres.

The report presents an overview of various Norwegian ties to the Israeli Occupation, and lends clear recommendations to Norwegian authorities and businesses.

- Israel’s occupation is the greatest obstacle to a just peace between the Palestinians and Israel. The NUMGE and NPA hope and believe that this report, and its recommendations, will help ensure that the Norwegian society contributes to putting an end to the Israeli occupation and Israel’s repeated breaches of United Nations resolutions and conventions, says Jan Davidsen, President, Norwegian Union of Municipal and General Employees.

The full English report is available here.

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